Recently I was in an unresolved situation with a major online retailer, trying to return a defective product of high value. After weeks of communication, stating the facts and my position, I was getting nowhere. They were refusing to resolve, or even listen to, my query. I was being ignored and turned away without the product being correctly investigated and the situation rectified.
Feeling completely ignored and powerless, I looked to Taryn from Legal Ninjas for help trying get somebody from the retailer to listen and take me seriously. Within 24 hours of assigning Legal Ninjas the task, they had written a legal letter to the retailer and the retailer had opened up a channel of communication with me (from their end). They swiftly went about resolving my query in the correct manner they should have from the start.
Thank you Legal Ninjas for giving me the backing and legal support needed to be taken seriously by this large entity, be acknowledged and have my rights as a consumer restored. This was truly a David and Goliath situation with the Legal Ninjas giving me the legal backing to stand up to a big retailer and triumph for the little man. 10/10”
Tarquin Lessing, Founder of SeOU